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H2Grow: Aquaponics

Project Leader: Catherine Pham

Project Design Leader: David Kwasman

Project Team Members:

Project Status:



What is aquaponics? Aquaponics is the cultivation of fish and plants together in a sustainable ecosystem that utilizes natural bacterial cycles to convert fish waste to plant nutrients. This system applies the best characteristics of aquaponics and hydroponics to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and water usage.

Design process:


Current Stage: This is a continuation of the previous Hydroponics stage. We recently completed a working prototype for the 2018 Green Mixer that featured an automated flooding and draining system complete with sensors to detect humidity, moisture, and temperature to determine watering cycles. The next step is to add IotT (Internet of Things) functionality to receive notifications, in the form of text or emails, for extreme events such as power failure or water leakage. We are currently in the process of implementing this and hope to complete this portion before the end of the semester. This system is to be placed into the Science Learning Center at CSULB for students of all ages to learn more about sustainability and to encourage STEM education


If you are interested in joining this project, please contact the project lead, Catherine, at:


No prior knowledge about engineering or aquaponics is needed! Only a passion for learning & sustainability. :)


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